by AQU | Jul 22, 2014 | BBQ, Poultry
Whole Chicken with Giblets A whole, intact chicken carcass with the head and feet removed (tail may or may not be present). the gizzard, heart, liver, and neck are included, loose, inside bird, or wrapped in paper or plastic film and placed inside or alongside bird....
by All Q'd Up BBQ Blog Writers | Jun 23, 2014 | BBQ, Food, Poultry
Chicken, as with all poultry, is classed by the age of the bird. As the chicken matures and ages, the flavors become more pronounced and the meat becomes tougher. The youngest birds may be prepared in any cooking method, while the older and larger chickens typically...
by All Q'd Up BBQ Blog Writers | Jun 23, 2014 | BBQ, Food, Poultry
Wild game birds are classed by age. According to the USDA, game species raised on farms under appropriate regulations can be sold. Wild game species that can be legally hunted under Federal or State regulatory authority cannot be sold, but can be harvested for...
by All Q'd Up BBQ Blog Writers | Feb 22, 2014 | All Qd Up, Poultry
Smoked duck on the grill. Photo by Executive Chef John Shelton. You can find him sharing his fishing adventures at Dana Point Fish...