by AQU | Oct 22, 2017 | BBQ, Grilling, Heat Sources, Smoking
Both barbecuing and grilling cooking techniques cook meat over open heat, but barbecue involves low and slow cooking with the addition of actual wood smoke. Barbecuing is cooking meat with a definite smoky flavor that naturally penetrates the meat. Barbecuing Barbecue...
by AQU | Jul 28, 2016 | Blog, Food, Smoking
Blurb: This introduction to home smoking provides beginner smokers with information and delicious recipes for grilling, barbecuing, and smoking. It will give people who have not worked with a smoker on their own the tools and know-how to embark on this popular cooking...
by All Q'd Up BBQ Blog Writers | Mar 28, 2015 | Food, Seafood, Smoking
Like smoked oysters? This is a classic and straight forward recipe for smoked oysters using cottonseed oil. Excellent served by themselves, or in a dish. For more about the oyster, visit Dana Point Fish Company’s oyster articles. Smoked Oysters in Cottonseed Oil...
by All Q'd Up BBQ Blog Writers | Sep 3, 2014 | BBQ, Pork, Smoking
It’s not as difficult as you might think. This video shows how its done.
by All Q'd Up BBQ Blog Writers | Jul 10, 2014 | BBQ, Blog, Equipment, Smoking
How to seal up an Oklahoma Joe’s smoker champer, door, and smoke stack to keep in heat.