by AQU | Jul 22, 2014 | All Qd Up, BBQ, Poultry
Trade Chicken Descriptions: Wing Breakdown The whole wing consists of the drummette, the flat, and the tip. The V-Wing is the 1st and 2nd segments. 2-Joint Wing is the 2nd and 3rd segments. Wing Drummette is the part that contains the humerus that attaches the wing to...
by AQU | Jul 22, 2014 | BBQ, Poultry
Breast Quarter A breast quarter is produced by cutting the front half along the sternum and back into two equal portions, and consists of a half breast with the attached wing and a portion of the back. Tenderloin A tenderloin is made by separating the inner...
by AQU | Jul 22, 2014 | BBQ, Poultry
Split Bird Splitting a whole bird, without giblets, end to end through the back and breast producing an approximate equal halves. Quarters A leg quarter is the drumstick and thigh, with adjoining portion of the back. It may or may not include the tail or abdominal...
by AQU | Jul 22, 2014 | All Qd Up, BBQ, Poultry
Cut-Up Four-Piece: Cutting a whole chicken, without giblets, into two breast quarters with wings attached, and two leg quarters. Six-Piece Cut-Up This is produced by cutting up a whole bird, without giblets, into two split breasts (with back and rib portions), 2...
by AQU | Jul 22, 2014 | BBQ, Poultry
Whole Chicken with Giblets A whole, intact chicken carcass with the head and feet removed (tail may or may not be present). the gizzard, heart, liver, and neck are included, loose, inside bird, or wrapped in paper or plastic film and placed inside or alongside bird....