chicken-4-piece-cut-up chicken-6-piece chicken-8-piece

Cut-Up Four-Piece:

Cutting a whole chicken, without giblets, into two breast quarters with wings attached, and two leg quarters.

Six-Piece Cut-Up

This is produced by cutting up a whole bird, without giblets, into two split breasts (with back and rib portions), 2 drumsticks, and two thighs (with back portion). Tail may or may not be present.

Eight-Piece Cut-Up

This is produced by cutting up a whole bird, without giblets, into two split breasts (with back and rib portions), 2 drumsticks, 2 thighs (with back portions), and 2 wings. Tail may or may not present.

Images courtesy USDA.

Renee Shelton’s love for tri tip almost surpasses her love for cake. When she’s not tasting BBQ, she can be found at Pastry Sampler.